Nineteen Warriors qualify for DECA state competition
Nineteen Walled Lake Western students excelled at the DECA District 4 Conference on January 8 at Eastern Michigan University qualifying for the state competition. They join 20 other students from Walled Lake Central and Northern on March 13-15 at Huntington Place in Detroit to compete at the DECA State Career Development Conference.
Two teams will represent the Warriors made up of Cor’ron Claudin and Kaito Le in Financial Services Team Decision Making, as well as Varun Tangirala and Nicholas Vo in Hospitality Services Team Decision Making.
Fourteen other students qualified for the state competition as individuals: Shivani Aji and Rozeiria Nichols in Hotel and Lodging Management, Aditya Chitrapu and Kira Havard in Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Ashesh Dhakal in Principles of Marketing, Farah Fehidat and Dhruv Gupta in Apparel and Accessories Marketing, Aditya Gupta and Dallas Sauve in Restaurant and Food Service Management, Harper Klautky in Principles of Business Management and Administration, Nancy Moguche in Business Services Marketing Services, Aiden Pasho in Principles of Finance, Martez Raymond in Principles of Entrepreneurship, Autumn Tucker in Retail Merchandising, and Vidya Vuyyuru in Personal Financial Literacy.
Along with Walled Lake Western’s 19 state qualifiers, Matthew Lown, Daniel Morales, Aarush Reddibattini, and Veronika Rymar earned Exam Medals at the District 4 Conference.